Open Match Report 5/7/20
- 14 July 2020
- Richard Borrell
10 anglers fished the Open Match at Cuddesdon on Sunday 5th July from 10am to 3pm. If we thought the wind was bad at the previous match then this day was much worse! The forecast was for a 20mph westerly wind with gusts up to 40mph but the reality was more like a constant 40mph wind very occasionally abating to 20mph. The match results were largely dictated by the wind as most pegs at Cuddesdon are either north or west facing. Those anglers with a north facing peg had a strong upstream wind whereas those on west facing pegs had the wind blowing straight across the river into their faces and even heavy pole rigs were getting blown back across the river! Charlie Green won the match with a weight of 4lb 2oz from peg 18. Charlie caught around 2.5lb of perch & the rest was made up of other species. Second was Thame A.C angler Martin Chown with 3lb 8oz from peg 11, third was Ian Blyth on peg 13 with 2lb 8oz & fourth was Julian Rayment with 1lb 12oz from Peg 5. Worth noting that Julian lost a large fish (probably a barbel) which shot off upstream and smashed his hooklength.